Get limited edition of Porsche Toy Cars for every purchase of Petron Ultron Race, Petron Ultron Rallye or Petron Rev-X Terrain change oil value package at participating Petron Car Care Centers.
A thread will be created where a promo question is published. The thread will be created in the PinoyExchange Promo forum as well as in the Movie sub-forum.
Participants should answer the question correctly and provide contact details after answering the question.
Participants who correctly answered the movie question will qualify for the prizes.
Winners will be selected randomly by inputting all entries in an excel sheet and picking a number using a randomizer (
The entry where the number of the row matched the number provided by the randomizer wins.
One promo question will be posted within the duration of the promo.
There will be ten (10) winners in total.
Winners will be notified by private message in PinoyExchange, announcement in the promo thread, and through SMS.
The promo will end on March 15, 2012 (Friday) in the movie promo thread.