Friday, April 5, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

PCSO Lotto Results: April 4, 2013

Super Lotto 6/49
In any order
Jackpot Prize: Php 25,716,380.40 (No Winner)
Consolation prizes: P56,000 for 5, P1,000 for 4 and P100 for 3 winning numbers.

Lotto 6/42 Draw
In any order
Jackpot Prize: Php 3,129,951.60 (No Winner)
Consolation prizes: P20,000 for 5, P500 for 4 and P20 for 3 winning numbers.

6D Six Digits
In exact order
Consolation prizes: P40,000 for 5 winning numbers,
P4,000 for 4 winning numbers, P400 for 3 winning numbers 
and P40 for winning numbers2, from the first or last number

Suertres Lotto 3 Digit
11:00 am: 4-2-1
4:00 pm: 5-8-3
9:00 pm: 9-7-0
In exact order
P4,500 per P10 play

2 Digit EZ2 Lotto
11am: 29-09
4pm: 18-30
9pm: 13-26
In exact order
P4,000.00 per P10 play

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Philippines: Best Leisure Destination Award

PNoy's Tweet! 

Panalong Panalo ang Philippine Tourism!

SM MOA Big Big Summer Sale 2013

Save up to 70% off on selected items from SM MOA’s Big Big Summer Sale 2013 participating stores this April 19-21, 2013.

Ayala Malls Facebook Promo

Help Ayala Malls reach 100,000 likes this week (Week 1 of April) on facebook and receive Ayala Malls surprise gifts.

Photo: Hey guys! We want to reach 100,000 more Likes this week! You can help us reach our goal by liking this image and sharing it on your timeline. 

To thank you, our loyal fans, we'll be giving away surprise gifts when we reach our goal! We can only do this with your help so please spread the word to your friends! :)

Hallmark “Life Is A Special Occasion, What’s Yours?” Raffle Promo

Reblogging this amazing raffle promo.. Below is the link.


Turn every day into special occasions and get a chance to win a brand new Apple iPhone 5 or an Apple iPad Mini, plus other exciting gadgets and prizes as Hallmark Cards bring you “Life Is A Special Occasion, What’s Yours?” Raffle Promo!

From March 1 to April 30, every purchase of Hallmark Everyday card entitles you to a raffle coupon. Customers must fill out the coupon and drop them at designated dropboxes located at National Book Store branches and other participating stores nationwide. Lucky winners get a chance to win a brand new Apple iPhone 5, an Apple iPad Mini 16GB, Apple iTouch 8G, or a Apple iPod Shuffle 2GB!......
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